Exhibition DEKOR, Gallery X, Bratislava, Slovakia /
Výstava DEKOR, Galéria X, Bratislava
Artists/vystavujúci autori:
Ondřej Batoušek (cz), Monika Brzá (sk), Martina Hudečková (cz), Petr Hůza (cz), Simona Janišová a Linda Viková (si.li.) (sk), Markéta Kalivodová (cz), Martina Klbečková (sk), Lenka Sárová Malíská (cz), Miloš Nemec (sk), Mira Podmanická (sk), Markéta Nováková (cz), Pavla Vachunová (cz), Judita a Mária Ordódy (sk)
This exhibition presents the works of youngest generation of Slovak and Czech ceramic designers. It confronts their works and approaches, shows similarities and differences; and intersection which is based on the nearness and history of our two countries.
There are presented ceramic works, functional design products and decorative objects for the interior. Authors use various technologies and work with the decoration in many specific, traditional, creative and experimental, ways. They present their ideas and possibilities in this field. The way of using the various shapes and decorations defines function and meaning of specific products/objects.
For more info/viac info: http://bio-vazy.blogspot.sk/2015/09/vystava-dekor.html
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