Schmuck Wander
Schmuck Wander is a jewelry project based on cooperation. Artists get an object, add their creations and send it to other artist to continue. I was the last to get the object. I wanted to add the cherry on top, literally. And since I work with chocolates; I cast them and create bitten brooches out of them; my addition to the project is this sweet, spilt piece of chocolate on top of the box. It presents the sweet end or the surprise which one can find inside (or outside).
Schmuck Wander je šperkársky projekt založený na spolupráci. Autori dostanú objekt, ktorý dotvoria a pošlú ďalej. Bola som posledná v rade a chcela som doslovne dorobiť čerešňu na záver. A keďže pracujem s čokoládami, odlievam ich a robím z nich odhryznuté brošne, objekt/krabičku som doplnila roztopeným kúskom čokolády. Je to sladké zakončenie alebo aj prekvapenie, čo bude vo vnútri (či predsa len vonku).
This year was dedicated to Bety Majerníková, jewelry designer and artist. It was kind of hard to deal with it. I have been postponing it all the time.
Flower and leaves were ready for the brooches, which Bety was creating in those times. I get inspired and wanted to make a necklace. On one end there was Bety’s garden and on the other end my plastic brooch, cast of textile in plastic transparent material. They got united – joined by the thread, linked. And I sent it to the next artist in the project to continue.
Tento ročník bol venovaný Bety Majerníkovej. Dostala som kúsok jej roboty. Bolo celkom ťažké s tým začať, stále som to odkladala, napriek tomu, že som tie kúsky mala na očiach.
Kvety a listy boli pripravené na brošne, ktoré Bety v tom čase vytvárala. Inšpirovalo ma to k vytvoreniu náhrdelníka. Na jednej strane bol Betin kvet-záhrada a na druhej kus z mojej plastovej brošne, do ktorej som zalievala textilné kusy. Prepojili sa, zjednotili. Potom som vec poslala ďalšej účastníčke projektu, aby pokračovala.
exhibition Cast and Burn
Vase Meadow
exhibition On the Table
vases IN
exhibition DEKOR 2
Schmuck Wander
exhibition DEKOR
vases Lilac
Bio-vases 6
exhibition Vase
Bio-vases 0-5